Are we going to hell or what? And if so, will there be sewing?

Today is a day of protest and activism. Nationwide, people of all walks of life are recognizing “A Day Without Immigrants”. Don’t go to work, don’t go to school, don’t buy anything if possible (unless it’s from street vendors). Since my business isn’t something I can call out of the way I am supporting is by remaining off social media. I’m not much of a purchaser of things so it’s really all I’ve got. What will this day get us? Possibly nothing but it is worth the effort because you don’t know how powerful it is until you give it a try.

There seems to be no limit to the lengths this country’s current presidential administration will go to, in order to flex their power. I think the most difficult part of this time in history, is knowing what’s a real issue and what’s not. One thing I’ve learned is that the only war that matters is a class war. The wealthy v the poor. The terror that is playing out for immigrants is straight out of a genocide playbook or something. It’s horrific. People that oppose what I’m saying will tell you they are only picking up criminals but that’s simply not the case.

There are many other threats out there to worry about but one thing is for sure, a LOT of us are ready to stop shopping at big name business and start our own, like mine, that are here to benefit like-minded people that can’t afford a lot or don’t want to give their money to companies that bow to the government.

So if this is hell, you better believe THERE WILL BE SEWING. There are plenty of people that don’t want the waste fast-fashion. AND there are plenty of people that want to create their own style. Even if you’re the kind of person that doesn’t want to sew, doesn’t have time, but wants to have great style, you’ll want to lean on upcyclers and slow-fashion designers that sew. Hopefully you’ll see that we’re a business that cares about humanity and wants to help you sew at an affordable price or at the least, connect you to designers that can curate a style that’s all YOU!




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