Teresa Buelna Teresa Buelna

Dr. Fixit

I think I wasn’t fully aware of what a “Venn diagram” was until my kids went to school. Isn’t that odd? Well now I think about them all the time now and I wish I would have learned sooner how they helped build connections with different subject matters that you wouldn’t naturally put side by side and expect to see the correlations at all. For example: what do seamstresses/sewists have in common with doctors/surgeons.

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Teresa Buelna Teresa Buelna


The hardest part about this change in our government to some weird dictatorship-style reality show is the feeling that you’re alone, especially if you’re a member of marginalized communities like being a trans person or being an immigrant or just being anything other than white, to be honest.

A friend recommended a documentary to me recently called “Join or Die” and it resonated with me like nothing else. It really reminded me that what Nacho Ann’s has been doing to build itself up is the exact thing we all should be doing in order to get through this rough time in history. We come together, in community.

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Teresa Buelna Teresa Buelna

Are we going to hell or what? And if so, will there be sewing?

How can you not feel like absolute CRAP right now? The world feels like it’s falling apart. Our Dirty Art Brigade workshops have been creating a little escape from the ugly stuff these days. If you’ve never been, please check out the portion of our website that has links to the workshops, and I hope you will feel the same after attending.

Today in fabric……immigration

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Teresa Buelna Teresa Buelna

Are we a RADICAL business?

The term radical gets thrown around a lot but do we really know what it means? And how can you be radical when you’re just sewing/crafting/creating?

Everything about creative reuse is radical, if you ask me. Reusing textiles, especially as it relates to fashion, is a HUGE middle-finger to cheaply made fast-fashion clothing. So when you’re using fabric that is considered “used’ or “thrifted” you are definitely doing something radical. So thank you, I mean… SEW! And Thank you !

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Teresa Buelna Teresa Buelna

To Ban or Not To Ban TikTok - THAT is the question

There’s an odd battle going on in the social media world and as much as I’d love to ignore it, it effects my business. How do I juggle an online fabric thrift business without marketing myself through apps like Instagram, TikTok (which is technically banned as I write this), Facebook, YouTube, etc? Besides BlueSky, they all seem to be owned by the ultra wealthy and are not here for your best interest. I think the biggest concern for those that are like-minded is the lack of truthful media.

Do I really think writing a blog might generate business I might be missing this week due to the Meta boycott going on? Who knows. But not giving it a try seems like I’m just giving up.

So/Sew, let’s give this a try. I’ll put some thoughts up here and you can shop when you’re done reading.

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