Dr. Fixit

Have you ever thought about the correlation between sewists and surgeons? Well I haven’t either before today. I was thinking about the idea that they are both constantly using their eyes to look at things up close and they probably both get pretty disappointed when they are trying to make something turn out a certain way and it is just isn’t working out. The countless hours they have spent without a guarantee that the next day won’t be just as disappointing. And how both professions share moments of extreme joy when things turn out better than expected.

As I was typing this, I had to stop to do a google image search of “venn diagram sewists and surgeons” … BRB …… and the results were more interesting than I figured. Actually no, they weren’t. Just like I thought, they were non-existent. So I searched many different ways, doctors and seamstresses, surgeons and tailors, etc., and still nothing. So I made one.

It’s accidental stabbing for me…..

is there a point to this blog? Originally I thought not but I spent more time than necessary on this and when that happens it means I probably enjoy learning something. I feel like this just elevated my appreciation for sewists, seamstresses, tailors, garment designers, etc that give so much of their heart and soul to a job that will never pay them enough to really be appreciated. So you’re now all considered honorary doctors to me that go by the name, Dr. Fixit!!!!

**Just like all my thoughts, they are my opinions and for the most part, light-hearted. I am not saying that doctors and sewists should be paid the same so please don’t come at me with those types of complaints.

