Episode 010 - Wild Quilts- Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Click to learn more about Wild Quilts: HERE
Here is the transcript of the video:
Welcome to REVERSE RUNWAY our series that highlights creators in the field of upcycling and slow fashion.
Today's reel is focused on Kassandra from Wild Quilts
Kassandra grew up in a small town in central Alberta Canada and now lives in Edmonton, the capital of Alberta where she is currently finishing up her masters degree in linguistics.
Kassandra started sewing as a little girl and has always been cutting up her old clothes and thrifting fabrics to make into quilts or clothing for herself. The thrift store has always been her happy place and she sees it more like a fabric store than anything else.
Although Wild Quilts started in May of 2023, she’s been sewing her whole life.
Kassandra loves sewing to her core, she hopes to create a sewing community with tutorials, sewing patterns & guides with tips and tricks on upcycling quilts and other vintage textiles.
Side note, she grows her own food and tries to make as much food from scratch as possible. A cool fact I learned browsing through her Instagram site, she grew her own flowers for her wedding. What ? I love this human!!! Kassandra also participates in clothing swaps with friends and says that it is always so much fun.
Thank you so much Kassandra for sharing your love of sewing with us and with the whole world. I know you make more than jackets but they honestly all look so cute and comfy it makes me want to flash forward to winter.